Conference "Boosting Social Enterprises in Europe"

Thursday, 3 December 2015 to Friday, 4 December 2015
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The conference, that will take place on 3 and 4 December at Hémicycle, is organised by the Luxembourg Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy. Its overarching Theme is: “Boosting Social Enterprises in Europe”

The provisional agenda is structured around the following key questions:

  • How do we create social innovation? How can we systematically integrate social innovation in the creation of economic activities?
  • Which eco-system is best suited to promote access to finance for Social Enterprises? Is there a way to connect individual savings to social economy projects?

Simultaneous translation in five languages will be provided.


Participants need to register at by using the delegation code 202.delegate. Please note that if this is the first time you register for a Luxembourg Presidency conference, you need to create a new account beforehand.

After completion of the registration, badges will be issued at the conference venue.