APTE : Final stage on this pathway to employment
On September 7th and 8th, the partners of the European APTE project met in Budapest, Hungary, to discuss the details of the third and final promotion of APTE, as well as the final productions expected from the project, which will come to an end in March 2024.
The transnational meeting on September 7th and 8th in Budapest had two main objectives.
As the end of the project approached, the first objective of the meeting was to take a look back at the first two groups of people supported under APTE (A pathway to employment). Indeed, the partners in this project have already been able to supervise more than fifty people seeking employment, training or reorientation across the 4 countries in the consortium (Belgium, Spain, France and Hungary).
The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the difficulties encountered in setting up this support programme in each country. The meeting also provided an opportunity to share the best practices put in place by each organisation to successfully complete these two promotions.
The second objective of the meeting was to take a look at the latest intellectual outputs to be produced. POUR LA SOLIDARITE-PLS is in particular responsible for coordinating two productions : a summary of the learnings linked to the pathway in each country and a map of mentoring actors on a European scale. These products are due to be published in early 2024.
The next meeting for the consortium will be in Paris in February 2024 for a final transnational meeting and a dissemination event!
The third promotion will start at the beginning of October 2023. So if you are or know anyone who is interested :
- over 18
- looking for work, training or a new career path
- available and highly motivate
Please contact the APTE team, by phone, email or via this form, to find out more and why not be part of our latest promotion!
Read more:
- Find out more and register for the next promotion
- Presentation APTE project