EUnited We Code : the adventure goes on!
The inclusive development of digital competencies as a unique opportunity to foster social cohesion and the reduction of inequalities? It is the challenge that Simplon.co laid down to itself in 2013. A wide adventure which comes within the scope of the European project EUnited We Code.
Simplon.co, Be.code, Factoria F5 and Etic all have in common one asset : coding. Moreover, they do share as well an objective : to promote socio-professional insertion through digital competencies' trainings. How? By developping and defending the vision of a digital sector which is social, inclusive and coeducational.
In order to diffuse this pedagogical vision, recognized as "success story" by the European Commission, the four partners helped out by POUR LA SOLIDARITE, gathered their forces in the Erasmus+ EUnited We Code.
Active teaching method
In March 2019, the partners met in Cluj-Napoca - a region which is famous for its digital and technological sectors - where the discussions on the topic of the active pedagogical's optimisation, typical characteristic of Simplon's model, went on.
How to create a positive dynamic in the classroom? How to help the trainers to adapt their practices? What are the requierements for a trainer in order to trigger an active teaching method ? The EUnited We Code project tries to give answers to all those questions.
An inclusive logo
Another striking element of this second transnational meeting : the logo ! Right away, the partners had decided to involve the learners from each company and to organize a contest. It is done ! Congratulations to Jérémy Vantighem, Nathan Gemis, Alexandru Ionut and Michel Dereameaker from Be.Code.
Stay tuned, the partners are meeting again in June in Brussels for a special hackaton event !
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Project EUnited We Code