Green Deal and social economy: discover and support our policy paper!
As Ursula von der Leyen, the new President of the European Commission, recently unveiled her Green Deal, which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ-PLS demonstrates the need to invest in the social economy sector, which is a natural vector for an inclusive ecological transition, in order to achieve this ambitious goal.
The European Union's new growth strategy, the Green Deal, promises to reconcile emission reductions and job creation through innovation. POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ-PLS shows the double necessity of developing the social and solidarity economy sector to make the ecological transition a success.
On the one hand, social economy organisations have long been active in activities at the heart of the circular economy model, which is essential to the ecological transition. On the other hand, only social economy actors are in a position to meet the requirement of inclusion and to propose solutions to the issue of unemployment, through their historical know-how in training, retraining and reintegration of people far from employment.
Exploring the interdependence between the social economy model and the objective of ecological transition, we have established a series of policy recommendations that we invite you to support! Show your support and become a co-signatory of this policy paper by contacting Théo Buratti at theo.buratti@pourlasolidarite.eu.
Read more:
Policy paper (EN) : Green deal and social economy: Issues and perspectives - Policy paper
Publication : Green deal et économie sociale : enjeux et perspectives - Policy paper
Publication : « Economie circulaire et ESS : Complémentarité et synergie »
Publication : « Vers une économie circulaire en Europe »