CAPSE - Gender equality in SSE governing bodies
Coordinated by ESS France, the Erasmus+ CAPSE (Collective Action for Parity in Social Economy) project, of which POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ-PLS is a partner, aims to achieve greater equality between women and men at the top of the management bodies of the social economy.
Mobilizing 5 European partners, CAPSE aims to raise awareness and support SSE federations on gender issues at the level of their governance. This 26-month Erasmus+ project will run from October 2023 to the end of 2025, and aims to raise awareness of gender equality issues among 150 leaders from the governance bodies of French, Belgian and Spanish SSE federations.
What for?
With this in mind, CAPSE includes 4 work modules :
1) An analysis of the existing situation and the identification of role models through an infographic presenting the current situation in terms of parity in the governing bodies of SSE networks, two survey reports presenting training needs as well as the obstacles and levers to achieving F-H parity in the Boards of SSE networks, and finally 6 video testimonials highlighting the pathways to achieving parity in the selected networks.
2) A methodological guide that defines the content and format of the training course and provides support for the beneficiary networks. It provides a theoretical background, specifies the knowledge required, sets out a method and provides links to various resources and supports.
3) Training for SSE federations, which will consist of 3 workshops for each supported network. A first workshop to raise awareness, a second for self-diagnosis and a roadmap, and a third for assessment and prospects.
4) The recommendations and their dissemination through a white paper.
By whom?
This transnational project involves 5 organizations from 3 member states :
• ESS France (France). A representative body of the social economy, it represents and promotes the interests of SSE companies and organizations in France.
• ConcertES (Belgium). Concertation platform for organizations representing the social economy in the Brussels-Capital Region and Wallonia.
• COCETA (Spain). Platform for representation, coordination, promotion, information and training of worker cooperatives in Spain.
• SciencesPo Bordeaux (France). Sciences Po Bordeaux is a selective, multidisciplinary and international training and research establishment in the humanities and social sciences.
• Pour La Solidarité (Belgium). Independent European think & do tank committed to a Europe of solidarity and sustainability, working to defend and consolidate the European social model, a subtle balance between economic development and social justice.
This project is co-financed by the European Erasmus+ program.