Involve companies to cease domestic violence: CEASE
Following the CARVE project which took place from 2014 to 2016, POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ continues its work against domestic violence. The CEASE project aims to gather a European network of companies involved in this fight and to create a training module to train companies' managers and human ressources on this issue.
Domestic violence impacts victims in their everyday life and can have severe consequences on their worklife such as a high level of stress and anxiety, burn-out, sickness, absenteeism... The CEASE project aims to support companies to fight domestic violence through becoming a welcoming and ressourceful environment for victims of violence.
The project steps
CEASE takes place from 2017 to 2019 and aims to :
- create a European Companies Network involved to cease domestic violence
- build and animate a trainign module for companies' HR and managers
- sensitize on this subject and disseminate the project's achievements at a large scale.
The consortium
Funded by the European Comission, CEASE is a project led by 4 partners organization in 3 member states :
- FACE - Fondation Agir Contre l'Exclusion, France
- DIESIS, Belgium
- CSR Hellas, Greece
CEASE in a nutshell
- 1 European Companies Network
- 1 Impact Map of organization working to end gender-based violence
- 1 launching event in November 2018 in Paris
- 5 training session in each country, so approximately 300 professionals trained in 2019
- 1 final conference in 2019 in Brussels
This project is co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union
Read more:
CARVE project